Watch the video and discuss it

Close-up photo фотография крупным планом
Headline - заголовок
Editorial [ˌedɪ'tɔːrɪəl] - редакционная статья
Paragraph ['pærəgrɑːf] - параграф
Caption - заголовок
Article - статья
Front page - первая полоса
Column ['kɔləm] колонка

Do the crossword
Supplement ['sʌplɪmənt] приложение (дополнительная часть газеты, программа)

Match the words with their definitions

words that are printed underneath a picture, cartoon, etc. that explain or describe it
one of the vertical sections into which the printed page of a book, newspaper, etc. is divided
the first page of a newspaper, where the most important news is printed
the title of a newspaper article printed in large letters, especially at the top of the front page
a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service
Front page
a section of a piece of writing, usually consisting of several sentences dealing with a single subject. The first sentence of a paragraph starts on a new line
connected with the task of preparing something such as a newspaper, a book or a television or radio programme, to be published or broadcast
an extra separate section, often in the form of a magazine, that is sold with a newspaper
a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine

Belarusian newspapers are a great source for today's valuable information. For both locals and tourists, newspapers in Belarus are an easy and fast way to find out what is going on in the area in politics, society [sə'saɪətɪ], weather, sports, entertainment, business, events and people.
With a large selection of news sources from Belarus, it is easy to get many different opinions on a topic and form your own educated belief after reading all of the sides.
With a variety of formats including newspapers, online newspapers, radio and magazines, it is simple to find the medium of news that you like best.
Belarusian-language newspapers
Zvyazda (Звязда)
Našha Niva (Наша Ніва)
Sovetskaya Belorussia (Советская Белоруссия) - One of the largest Russian-language newspapers published in Belarus.
Respublika (Рэспубліка)
Leading newspaper published by Government of Belarus.
Narodnaya Gazeta (Народная Газета)
Dney (7 дней)
Narodnaya Volya
Komsomolskaya Pravda - Contains articles about politics, economy, community, culture, education, and more.
712 newspapers and 793 magazines were published in Belarus this year. More than two thirds of them are private.
The most influential newspapers include Belarus Segodnya and the Respublika. Local editions of major Russian newspapers Komsomolskaya Pravda and Argumenty i Fakty are very popular in Belarus, too.
Nine national news agencies, including seven private ones, operate in Belarus. The BelTA News Agency is the country’s biggest news agency, having the correspondent network in all the regions of the country.
E-media in Belarus.
There are 169 radio broadcast stations and 93 television broadcast stations in Belarus.
25 radio stations and 59 TV broadcast stations are private.
There are 5 national TV broadcasters in Belarus: Belarus 1 TV Channel, Belarus 2 TV Channel, ONT TV Channel, CTV and international satellite channel Belarus TV.
The broadcasting of International satellite channel Belarus-TV was launched in 2005.
The channel is available to viewers from Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and North America. The channel also provides online broadcasting on the Internet.
The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus guarantees the freedom of thought, belief and expression.
Answer the questions
1.       How many newspapers were printed in Belarus this year?
2.       Do you know any Belarusian newspapers?
3.       Which information can you find out in Belarusian newspapers?
4.       How many national news agencies are there in Belarus? What is the biggest national news agency? 

Listen to the British girl speaking about the press. What’s her attitude to the British press?

tablet -планшет
to make somebody cross - рассердить /разозлитького-лИдиомa
frustrated – расстроенный
yet– все же
opinions – мнение
own – (свое собственное)

 There are some questions below. Listen to the speaker again and take notes.
1. What makes the speaker cross?
2. How often does the speaker read newspapers?
3. How does the speaker read newspapers?
4. What does the speaker think about people who don’t think for themselves?


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