destination [‘destɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] (цель) the place to which someone or something is going or being sent.
supportive [sə'pɔːtɪv] поддерживающий, оказывающий поддержку; providing encouragement or emotional help.
entertain [entə'teɪn] развлекать; provide (someone) with amusement or enjoyment.
sort out [sɔːt]решать (проблему); устранить (недоразумение и т. п.); an act of tidying or organizing things by separating them into categories.
care [keə] забота, попечение; the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.
embarrassed [ɪm'bærəst]смущённый; сконфуженный; feeling or showing embarrassment.
responsible [rɪ'spɔn(t)səbl] ответственный, having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one’s job or role.
chore [ʧɔː] повседневная работа по дому, по хозяйству; a routine task, especially a household one.
annoy [ə'nɔɪ] раздражать, сердить, злить; make (someone) a little angry; irritate
accept [ək'sept] принимать, мириться, соглашаться, tolerate or submit to (something unpleasant or undesired)
thought [θɔːt] мысли, an idea or opinion produced by thinking, or occurring suddenly in the mind.
split [splɪt] (decide to split) расходиться; to divide into parts or elements.
fail [feɪl] не сбываться, обманывать ожидания, не удаваться; be unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal
maintain [meɪn'teɪn] поддерживать, защищать, отстаивать; cause or enable (a condition or situation) to continue.
relationship [rɪ'leɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp] отношение, взаимоотношение; the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.
ensure [ɪn'ʃuə], [ɪn'ʃɔː] удостовериться, убедиться; make certain that (something) will occur or be the case.
spouse [spauz] супруг, супруга; a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner.
lessen ['les(ə)n] уменьшаться, сокращаться; make or become less; diminish.
suffer from  ['sʌfə] cтрадать от; experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant).
issue ['ɪʃu], ['ɪsju] исход, результат, плод a result or outcome of something.
income ['ɪŋkʌm]доход, приход, прибыль; заработок; money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
burden ['bɜːdn] бремя, ноша; груз; a load, typically a heavy one.
blessing ['blesɪŋ] благословение, благо, благодеяние; God’s favour and protection.
raise [reɪz] 1. поднимать; 2. воодушевлять, вдохновлять, вселять; 1.  lift or move to a higher position or level, 2. promote (someone) to a higher rank
encourage [ɪn'kʌrɪʤ] ободрять; поощрять, поддерживать; give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).

Having a Happy Family is the main goal in life. Family is also the favorite destination because there is safe, warm, comfort, motivation and support.
What makes a happy family?
We've all seen TV shows about families
- Where the whole family seems to have fun, the whole time.
- Or, when someone has a problem, how everyone is really understanding and supportive. 
- Where the families live in great houses and the kids have everything.
But then they're just shows to entertain, not real people in real situations with real problems.
Real families may not be happy all the time.
- They may not have enough money to have all the good things in life.
- They may have conflict in the family at times.
- Sad things sometimes happen.
But families can be happier if:   
- Everyone treats each other and their belongings with respect.
- They spend time together.
- They share their feelings with each other.
- They ask for help and help each other.
- Everyone works together to make the family a success.
- Everyone is honest with each other.
- Problems are talked about and sorted out.
- They do things together and have fun together.
- They show that they care about each other by being thoughtful, greeting each other and having little habits like always saying good night or good morning to each other. (Hugs and kisses are good too - although we know some of you get a bit embarrassed about that if friends are around.)
It isn't important to have lots of things. It is important that everyone in the family feels safe and loved.
How you can help  
- Be responsible for doing your chores. 
- Try to work out problems with brothers and sisters without fighting.
- Be kind, even if your sister or brother can be really annoying at times.
- Accept that you can't have all the attention all the time.
- Understand that mum and dad need time on their own too.
- Don't be a 'wanna' or a 'canna' kid. You know what we mean!
Share your thoughts, ideas and your day with the family. Having a meal together is a good time for this.
Do your best at whatever you do to make your family proud of you.
When things go wrong
Sometimes things go wrong even in the happiest families.            
- Dad or mum may lose a job.      
- Someone in the family may get really sick or die.
- You may have to move house and lose your friends.
- Someone may get into trouble or have big problems which worry the family.
- Mum and dad may decide to split.
If bad times do come along then it is more important than ever for the family to work together and care for each other.
Our families are the most important people in the world to us. Our home is the most important place. Being part of a family gives us the chance to learn how to cooperate and share, work out problems and work as a team.

A happy family is one where everyone feels important, safe and cared for.

Generation gap The so-called "generation gap” means the difference in attitudes between old and young people. Such problem has always existed .
Generation gap mostly appears because of the teenagers. They often behave rude against their parents. The young wear provocative clothes which shock the adults, causing their sharp negative reaction. Young people are fond of listening to music that is disliked by parents. Naturally, each generation has got its lifestyle. For example, people, who had teenage children in the sixties, could never understand such phenomenon as Beatles. They had known nothing about rock music before and so they thought of it just as a noise. So facing something new parents do not approve the behaviour and look of their children and criticize them, telling that "in my youth children were more polite and quiet”. Sometimes teens even rebel against it.
In my opinion this conflict is inevitable. On the one hand, it is natural because life is rapidly changing . Every year something new emerges, from fashion styles to pop-stars and of course young people accept it very quickly. On the other hand, adults do not need to worry about their kids too much. Until the "generation gap” gets too big to handle, there is nothing bad in it.
But both adults and children should remember about general culture. If people are well brought up and educated their culture will help them to prevent the conflicts making teenagers less defiant and adults more lenient.
To sum up, I think that the "generation gap” problem will forever be actual, but if the generations respect each other, it will not be so serious.

Who doesn’t want a happy family? Everyone is longing for  that, beyond anything. Yet, there are some who fail during the process. However, those who fail must have missed these tips—the quickest ways possible to maintain a happy family:
• Mom-Dad relationship
Mom, Dad, it all starts with you. Yes, the central point of a happy family is in the relationship between mother and father, husband and wife. So, if you plan to live a happy life with your family, try to ensure that you have a beautiful connection with your spouse. 
• Bring laughter to your family
Spend more time with your kids. Let them to play with you, watch funny children movies, or simply tickle each other. Laughter is a great way to create connection among family members. Do you know that a family spending cheerful and quality time together helps lessen possibility of needless conflicts?
• Avoid financial problems
Try very hard not to cause your family suffer from any financial issue. Balance the income and expense. If the income is less than the expense, then no argue about it. Instead, find ways or solution to solve the problem. Arguing is getting you nowhere. It even might cause another problem with your children.
• Raise your children happily
Don’t ever think that the children are a burden. Yes, it’s true that they are your responsibility. But, they are not a burden. They are a blessing. There are many couples out there dying to have children of their own. And, it is not wise to look at your children as a burden. To have happy children, you must raise them in a happy way.
• Focus on your blessings
In this life, it is impossible that you, or you family, have no misfortune. Yet, why should you focus on that? Instead, why don’t you concentrate on your blessings? It is easier if you wish a happy life, a happy family. Encourage all members of your family to be thankful for what they have. As a result, everyone will be happy.
Isn’t it easy having a happy family? So, what’s the waiting for? Start now, for your happy lovely family!

Watch the video "Talking About Your Family"

1. What does family happiness depend on?
2. How do you spend your free time together with your friends and family?
3. What are your household chores?
4. What family traditions or holidays do you have?
5. Why does the father – and – son problem always exist?
6.Why is it important to have understanding parents?
7. What it your idea of a good husband or wife?
8. Why are there many one-parent families? How does the state help such families?
9.Nowadays an average family has one child. From your point of view, how many children should there be in a family?
10. What can you advise a person who wants to have a close and happy family?

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